Creating a Vanilla MC Server


I've started a series on YouTube where every episode I make a new add-on or addition that you can add to a Minecraft world or server you have! My idea was to give novice/basic command block users more knowledge. Of course I am no genius myself but we all learn. In the series we create nearly anything that you would find in a popular plugin controlled Minecraft server with command blocks! I treat this as a learning experience for all! If you have any comments or questions you can ask in the comments of any videos in the playlist (preferably the most recent one). You can check out the series playlist above.

​I had this idea a few months ago and this is what I have developed it into. I DO NOT intend to copy anyone else's work as I understand that when people create command block creations, its very time consuming. If what I am doing has in part or fully already been done please let me know.

Episode 1 - Setup

Command Block(s):

Please watch Version 1.12 - Converting Functions

Command Entering System 
R: execute @a[team=admin,score_cmdarea_min=1,score_cmdarea=1] ~ ~ ~ /tellraw @a[team=admin,score_cmdarea_min=1,score_cmdarea=1] ["",{"text":"[CMD] ","color":"dark_red"},{"text":"[Click Here to Teleport]","color":"gold","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/tp @a[team=admin,r=2] @e[type=area_effect_cloud,name=redstoneZone]"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Click me to teleport!","color":"yellow"}]}}}] 

C: scoreboard players enable @a[team=admin] cmdarea ​

C (CONDITIONAL): gamemode creative @a[team=admin,score_cmdarea_min=1,score_cmdarea=1] 

C: /scoreboard players set @a[team=admin,score_cmdarea_min=1,score_cmdarea=1] cmdarea 0

Episode 2 - Ranks

In Chat:

/scoreboard teams add

/scoreboard teams join 

Command Block(s):

/scoreboard teams add

/scoreboard teams join 

vAdminTools Chat GUI Export for
New vAdminTools Chat GUI Export for
Sell Sign Command
In Chat:

/give @p sign 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Text1:"[{\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/scoreboard players set @p hasItem 1 {Inventory:[{id:\\\"minecraft:diamond\\\",Damage:0s}]}\"},\"text\":\"[Sell]\",\"bold\":\"true\"}]",Text2:"[{\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/clear @p[score_hasItem_min=1] minecraft:diamond 0 1\"},\"text\":\"Diamond\",\"underlined\":\"true\"}]",Text3:"[{\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/scoreboard players add @p[score_hasItem_min=1] Money 50\"},\"text\":\"$50\",\"color\":\"green\"}]",Text4:"[{\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/scoreboard players set @p hasItem 0\"},\"text\":\"1\"}]"},display:{Name:"Sell Diamond"}} 

Key for Editing Sell Sign Command

Website by Samstep | Made with Pingendo